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Customize Logo

In this assignment, I sketched out a customize logo. I used the idea of  a fruit shop that has website and an app where people can order their drinks online and pay online instead of standing in a line. So, they can pick it up quicker. 

Also, i picked this idea because I really love fruit drinks ( especially banana and strawberries or orange freshly squeezed). 

In my sketches I used 5 different popular fruits and easy to read letters. 


In this assignment I created a website logo called"JUICY SQUEEZE". A logo that is used for a store that sells fresh fruit drinks.Many of these drinks include strawberries, grapes, cherries, oranges and watermelon and so on. 

In my logo, i decided the title in 5 colours that represent the fruits. Also, I used fruits to represent what "JUICY SQUEEZE" means. 


In this logo i created a logo for a phone app .

This logo is called "JUICY SQUEEZE". It follows the same kind of design as the website logo.

In this assignment I titled it "JS" short form for Juicy Squeeze and I added a watermelon and orange to represent the fruits.

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